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A Day on the Trails

We went and visited the Balcones Canyonlands Wayback Machine Link located at +30° 30' 27.03", -98° 1' 30.19" Wayback Machine Link while visiting our cousins! This first pic is my brother looking out at the canyon. You can see the Colorado River in the distance, in addition to the reserve entrance.

cool people enjoying nature

The native trees in the canyons are juniper cedar cypress trees, which look vaguely like christmas trees! They have a wonderful scent that fills the windy brisk air as we hiked.

valley of canyon filled with juniper cypress trees with a bit of shrubbery in the foreground
brother looking at the view, with lots of trees behind him
myself in the foreground, with my cousin looking out at the canyon

Selfie :p

We took a route around the edge of the mesa once we got to the top, and then cut across the middle, which rose just a bit to let us see for miles around.

my brother staring into the void, with a gravel path going off into the distance